Friday, August 29, 2014

Stress needs to be beaten

I have been fighting back depression and a boat load of stress for a while now but stress is the enemy and we all have some stress in us, The thing that helped me the most when I am feeling depressed, trapped, or worthless is adding an other chapter to my ever going novel. When I get into my book I escape into that world and live the life of the main charector. Stress is a killer and depression is not fun, so find a outlet that makes you get lost like starting a novel, or reading a novel, or even creating a play or song. Never stop fighting, the road will eventually flatten out.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


     Cleaning. What our moms told us to do our whole childhood, What we never want to do, Something at least I used to put off till I could not any more.

     Not only is cleaning good for your space and your health but it also burns calories and lets you eat more if you have burned more off, or keep the burned off portion in your diet bank and you will loose faster and feel better faster.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

You are yourself!

Dieting is very hard to do and is a life long battle. I can think of several hard things with dieting but one good thing makes all the bad go away from your mind. Nothing tastes better then being thin feels! I am not saying we all have to be as thin as a rail but just thin enough so that you fell good abut your self and like the way you look. Don't worry abut how others see you or how they might think of you, do and look what makes you happy and feel good abut your self. 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Let's run!

Running is my exercise of choice. Not only does it Make you feel good and help you get heather it helps me release stress and calms me down while I am running. Running is a great and healthy drug to get hooked on so go ahead and join me in doing some Running!

The time is now!

Hello, My name is Jared but everyone calls me Jay. I am a Six one man living in Long beach CA, I have dealt with trying to loose weight and get healthy my whole life with just ending up going up and down like a roller coaster. Today is August 21 2014 and I have decided to start a health blog chronicling my journey as I attempt to Loose the extra weight, start working out more, and getting healthy and staying healthy so I can live out my dream of becoming a Police officer for the Long Beach Police.